Thursday 10 October 2013

More reasons to be careful with emails

From time to time, perhaps you think about writing emails like this:

"It is the Natasha colour of my soul. I guess it must always have been there, but it took you coming into my life to awaken it.
Since then, my life has not been the same.
It can never be the same.
The specialness of who you are has opened my heart as I never knew it could be.
That is an amazing, beautiful, thing

Or, in a different mood, like this:

"Guess what when I have forgotten about you in a years time enjoying my £100 million home or sailing on one of my 40 meter yachts – you'll still be ... a sad loser ... Suggest a new career as a traffic warden might be ideal at least it wouldn't involve lying.
Oh no, little guy like you - throws his weight around - big chip on your shoulder - you were definitely bullied at school!!!!

…or is it the fact that your little victorian 1800 sq ft cottage in pulborough can fit into my dining room…... I'll bet you will lord it in the pub over those neighbours of yours in the cheap semi's.

What is it that makes you so chippy little man.
You're such a loser. I'm going to enjoy finishing you off over the summer. But don't worry you'll be reading the contract I'll be on the beach.
50 this year - midlife crisis as well - nearest to a Ferrari you'll ever get is a toy one…
My middle name is relentless. I have the money and anger at this point to push on ... Never underestimate me

If you do, just pause before you click send and consider whether you might end up in Court on the other side from the recipient. These are genuine emails quoted in Court cases (first one here; second one here).

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